Wednesday, December 21, 2011

All Saints Chapel at St. Tikhon's Monastary

The Iconostas is constructed from solid Oak. The monastic iconographer will complete the hand painted icons in 2012.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This 3-tier oak Iconostas is in Archangel Michael Orthodox Church in Burbank, IL. 

Altar Table / Table of Oblation

This Table of Oblation was made for St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Philadelphia.  The side panel opens for storage.

Font Stand

This Holy Water Stand was customized to match existing stands at Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church in Harrisburg.

Gospel Stand

We make several styles of Gospel Stands including this example with carvings on the corners. 

Cantor's Stand

The top of this Cantor's Stand rotates with ample storage underneath.

Bishop's Throne


This is an example of a solid oak Tabernacle in the Russian style.  We also manufacture a Byzantine style.